A Charitable Enterprise
From the very beginning, our “Parisian Gaucha liked the idea of helping society, if possible, in Argentina.
Inspired by « Toms », One for one, she decided that for each pair of trousers/bombachas sold, a meal would be donated to the Argentine Food Bank.
The Argentine Food Bank is an NGO which is close to the Parisian Gaucha´s heart, given she helped start it up and has known it since its creation.

Fundación Banco de Alimentos
The « Fundacion Banco de Alimentos » began in 2001, becoming the first Argentine Food Bank.
Since its creation, this NGO has grown continuously in a structured and orderly fashion.
Unfortunately donations have not been the only ones to increase, but also the number of people in need.
In 2020, the Food Bank delivered 22,678,930 plates of food to the needed and distributed more than 7,600,000 kilos of food and products, 53% more than the previous year. This allowed them to collaborate with the feeding of more people, going from 167 thousand in 2019 to 500 thousand people per day during 2020 and to add 125 social organizations to their work network.
The Food Bank
Food Banks are the link between food donors, which are usually industries in the food and agriculture sectors, and supermarkets, and those who prepare that food for the needy.
Food Banks receive food donations which are products which can no longer be commercialised for a variety of reasons, such as packaging faults and short expiry dates, but which are nonetheless fit for consumption. Food Banks stock them, classify them and distribute them among different organisations such as homes for the destitute, school and reinsertion centre cantines, among others, which in turn, cook and distribute them. That is how food products which would otherwise been thrown away, can be recovered for consumption.
500 000
Persons receive food every day